Hello—I'm Daniel Gualotuna.
I combine three things most marketers can't:
Strategy, Originality, & Direct Response Copywriting.
My latest results:
- Turned a "dead" 6k email list into $25K monthly revenue for 8 straight months.
- Built the funnel that scaled a high-ticket consultancy from zero to 7-figures in 13 months.
- Launched a book into Amazon's Top 10 Parenting—among major publishing houses—and hit #1 Best Seller in several categories.
This little brag-box™ isn’t here to stroke my ego. It’s proof.
Proof that while everyone is busy recycling guru-approved templates, handwriting ChatGPT prompts, and rotting on TikTok for hours...
You can still command attention and build a thriving business.
Though it takes three rare assets:
- Strategic thinking to find opportunities others miss.
- Direct response copywriting to get people to read and act.
- Originality—if only to write slightly better AI prompts.
I combine all three in my work and document the process in my daily letters.
If you're done watching marketing lemmings prompt their way to mediocrity—and dragging perfectly good businesses with them—these letters are for you.
Type your name and email below.
You can bail anytime, though I suspect you won't want to.